Nijiiro Days follows the colorful lives and romantic relationships of four high school boys—Natsuki Hashiba, a dreamer with delusions of love; Tomoya Matsunaga, a narcissistic playboy who has multiple girlfriends; Keiichi Katakura, a kinky sadist who always carries a whip; and Tsuyoshi Naoe, an otaku who has a cosplaying girlfriend.
When his girlfriend unceremoniously dumps him on Christmas Eve, Natsuki breaks down in tears in the middle of the street and is offered tissues by a girl in a Santa Claus suit. He instantly falls in love with this girl, Anna Kobayakawa, who fortunately attends the same school as him. Natsuki’s pursuit of Anna should have been simple and uneventful; however, much to his dismay, his nosy friends constantly meddle in his relationship, as they strive to succeed in their own endeavors of love.
(Source: MAL Rewrite)
Type: TV
Episodes: 24
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Jan 10, 2016 to Jun 26, 2016
Producers: YTV, Tokuma Japan, Daiichikosho, Shueisha
Studios: Production Reed
Genres: Comedy, Romance, School, Shoujo, Slice of Life
Duration: 13 min. per ep.
Rating: PG-13 – Teens 13 or older
Audio: Japanese
Subtitle: English/Softsub
Fansubs: Heroine
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- BD will be uploaded later.
- Password: dl60mb
- Enjoy the series.
3 Responses
sorry the link is Kuzu no Honkai’s
Oh! Sorry. The link is fixed now.
BD still not uploaded 🙁