Atsuko Kagari is an ordinary girl who joins the renowned witch academy for witch girls, Luna Nova Academy. When she was younger, she went to Magical Festa, a magic show hosted by a witch named Shiny Chariot. Atsuko was so mesmerized and inspired by Shiny Chariot’s performance that she dreamed to someday be a “cool” witch like her. This young and impressionable Atsuko takes Shiny Chariot’s words as her own motto: “Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.” As part of a class, Atsuko and her classmates go into a labyrinth under the Tower of Luna Nova. There, a sealed ancient dragon was unleashed by one of her classmates. Atsuko tries to stop the dragon, but… [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
(Source: ANN)
Type: TV
Episodes: 25
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Jan 7, 2017 to Jun 26, 2017
Producers: Ultra Super Pictures, TOHO animation, Good Smile Company
Studios: Trigger
Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Magic, Fantasy, School
Duration: 24 min. per ep.
Rating: PG-13 – Teens 13 or older
Audio: Japanese
Subtitle: English/Softsub
Fansubs: Asenshi
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Encoder notes
- Password: dl60mb
- Enjoy the series.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
14 Responses
eraser fansubs seem better
I doubt it, but the difference is in personal tastes. But in the end I think asenshi is definitely ‘acceptable’.
Eraser corrects the Asenshi script iirc and maybe thats the reason it has an A+ status while Asenshi has a green status.
but asenshi is fine, thanks for the encode astar 🙂
Episode 10 – Password doesn’t work!
Re-uploaded. Try now.
Link is down please reup.
Sorry for the wait, Link fixed.
Episode 23 is crrupted
Episode 22 is crrupted
Re-uploaded. If there are several problems then it would be better if you notify me of all of them at once not one by one.
Episode 25 is missing